Monday, November 28, 2022

Evil Twin attack

Evil Twin Attack is attack is frequently carried upon wireless access points with malicious intentions.

This attack happens when attackers exploits a fundamental issue with Wi-Fi, i.e., our Laptops, smartphones, and connected devices aren't equipped to distinguish between two radios broadcasting the same SSID name. This allows hackers to use malicious access points (APs) that eavesdrop on traffic, establish "man-in-the-middle" (MitM) positions, and extract sensitive information, often without leaving any traces behind.

In a normal Wi-Fi connection, a person's client device (upper image) associates with a legitimate AP. When an evil twin AP is present, a threat actor broadcasts the same SSID as the legitimate AP (and often the same BSSID or MAC address of the SSID) to fool the device into connecting (lower image).

What can you do to prevent Evil Twin AP attacks?

Businesses offering Wi-Fi to their employees and customers can use wireless intrusion prevention systems (WIPS) to detect the presence of an evil twin AP and prevent any managed corporate clients from connecting to them. You should also protect access points through the use of a Personal Security Key (PSK) and provide it to employees and customers.

End Users:

BUT for normal Wi-Fi users, an evil twin AP is nearly impossible to detect because the SSID appears legitimate and the attackers typically provide Internet service. In most cases, the best way to stay safe on unfamiliar Wi-Fi networks is to always use a VPN to encapsulate the Wi-Fi session in another layer of security. You can still follow these best practices:

~~)   Avoid public free WiFi access altogether.
~~)   Do not connect to open WiFi access points without verifying it as legitimate.
~~)   Disable to auto connect feature and promiscuous mode on all wireless devices.
~~)   Ask the establishment for the official name of their hotspot, and any security key if one exists. Intentionally type in the wrong key. Some evil twins will grant access to the hotspot no matter what key is entered.
~~)   Don’t log into any accounts on public Wi-Fi. This way, the hacker will not be able to steal your credentials and use them against you.
~~)   Avoid connecting to Wi-Fi hotspots that say ‘Unsecure,’ even if it has a familiar name.
~~)   Use 2-factor-authentication for all your sensitive accounts. This way, even if a hacker gets hold of your login credentials, they will still struggle to get into your accounts.
~~)   Learn to recognize social engineering attacks, phishing, and spoofed URLs.
~~)   Only visit HTTPS websites, especially when on open networks. HTTPs websites provide end-to-end encryption, making it difficult or impossible for hackers to see what you do when you visit them.
~~)   Don’t dismiss your device's notifications, especially if you were kicked off the network and you’re connecting to what you think is a known Wi-Fi network. If your device recognizes it as a new network, don’t ignore it!
~~)   Don’t autosave Wi-Fi on your device because when it’s not connected to your home or office networks, it will transmit so-called probes. They can give out a lot of information about you, including your home address. Hackers can sniff this information and pretend to be your home network.
~~)   Use a VPN whenever you connect to a public hotspot. It will encrypt your traffic before it leaves your device, making sure that no one sniffing the traffic can see your browsing behaviors.

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Tuesday, November 15, 2022

view of PenTesting


We all know what is Penetration Testing. Right?
In this post, I am trying to present you an holistic view of real-life IT penetration testing.

If you want to gain assurance in your organisation’s vulnerability assessment and management processes through a realistic simulation of a hacker attack, then IT penetration testing is a MUST. There is no doubt about that.

When you do that you get a number of benefits immediately:
You get a good Vulnerability Assessment within your IT network
Potential attacker’s entry points become transparent to you.
Your risk posture improves as most of exploitable vulnerabilities are identified.

Red/Blue Team gets practical exercise to test detection capabilities in real-time.

Security level of the investigated systems become measurable.
Compliance requirements (e.g. national regulations, GDPR, TISAX) for mandatory pentesting is fulfilled, if it done by third-party/consultants' pentesters.

You also receive a number of important recommendations regarding the improvements to be made to your information security and respective guidelines

In the hindsight, the pentesting is nothing but the real-life simulation of damages which might be carried out malicious threat actors.

My personal point of view is that--

Risk analysis of cyber-attacks are usually carried out on the basis of theoretical assessments only. The implementation of a Penetration Test is an ideal supplement to it, as it enables a real measurement of the resistance capability of your IT environment. Once the important vulnerabilities are confirmed and based on these findings, you can actually make a realistic risk assessment.

In the elaborated scheme of Pentesting, your Purple Team is the result of the collaboration between your Blue Team and the Red Team and can simulate Advanced Persistent Threats (APT).

As the lower-portion of the picture shows, the third party consultants can offer the various level of IT Penetration Testing services. It is you to make the judgment about which level of Pentesting your company needs at a given point in time. This picture also depicts the actual steps of pentesting process you/pentesters would need to undergo in real-life.

From your point of view, you can seek the pentesting of one or all of the following:

@) IT Pentesting
@) OT Pentesting
@) Platform Pentesting

This picture also depicts the actual steps of pentesting process you/pentesters would need to undergo in real-life. Let me brief you about.

1. Scope Qualification : You select all the assets which are in-the-scope of the Penetration Testing exercise/assignment and mark in written.

2. Kick-off : You meet all the involved stakeholders. You also introduce them into the scoped assets.

3. Execution of Penetration Test : You carry out real penetration tests against all the scoped assets, based on standardized methodology

4. Analysis & Report : You prepare and deliver a 'Penetration Test Report' officially with all the major recommendations clearly mentioned in it.

5. Improvement Workshop (Optional) : You may also carry out a technical workshop to help the defenders in mitigating all the risks involved with vulnerable assets.

6. Retest after Mitigation phase (Optional) : You may also carry out one more rounds of pentesting-attacks, to ensure that all the vulnerabilities which were found have actually been fixed or not

what is pyramid of pain?


Pyramid of Pain, a concept that was first introduced in 2013 by cybersecurity expert David J Bianco. The “pain” in his concept refers to the difficulty faced by the adversary in succeeding if they are denied certain indicators.

Pyramid of pain consists of six types of loCs that are arranged in increasing order of the impact on the adversary and effort of the analyst respectively.

Pyramid of pain represents the types of indicators that the analyst must look out to detect the activities of an adversary as well as the amount of pain that the adversary needs to adapt to pivot and continue with the attack even when the indicators at each level are being denied.

As the graphic indicates, it is trivial for the adversary to manipulate a hash value to bypass a detection engine that matches based on hash.

However, adding controls that restrict tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) makes it very tough for them to overcome. I am a big believer in adding as many of these controls as possible; thus, adding a multiplier effect for each defensive capability.

Pretty cool stuff!

BUT, Why Are TTPs Placed At The Top?

Classical AV/FW Approach

The current approach used by companies to deal with cyber-attacks is insufficient. This is mainly caused by customers, enterprises, which believe that if they deploy an Anti-Virus solution combined with a Firewall and some additional automatic tools, their cybersecurity is sufficient in order protect from cyber threats.

What they don't wanna believe is that these cyber defenses are usually easily bypassed by a motivated and determined attacker.

For example, most Anti-viruses are helpless against in-memory only malware or malware signed by a legitimate code signing certificate which might have been stolen by the attacker. Similarly, Firewalls and other network monitoring measures can be bypassed by camouflaging the malicious traffic in such a way that the traffic generated by the malware seems legitimate or inaccessible by the monitoring tools.

It’s common to see malware successfully communicating over the HTTP protocol which mimics normal user’s behavior. In addition, the traffic can be encoded or encrypted making it difficult to analyze in an automatic approach.

Finally, even the anti- Zero-Day countermeasures can be bypassed by attackers as some of those solutions are freely (i.e. EMET) or easily accessible for well-resourced attackers. Given enough motivation, a determined attacker could install a defense mechanism that is needed to be bypassed and study it until a successful exploit is developed.

This is worst approach!

Automated Security Approach

Another approach used within the industry to combat intrusion is, to rely entirely on security software or appliances which use a pre-compiled and constantly updated list of Indicators of Compromise (IOCs). Although this approach is better than classic AV/FW approach and bit more comprehensive, yet it is still not up to the mark. It is not sufficient, because it is reactive by its nature.

Because IOCs are compiled after the analysis of certain infections somewhere else and thus can only provide protection against KNOWN threats.

Moreover, these IOCs can be accessible to any motivated threat actor and therefore be used, to adjust its tools to successfully perform attack campaigns in the future. That's why, relying on these static indicators as a mechanism to identify APTs will have low impact on any broader malicious operation that is carried out by a determined and sophisticated threat.

Do you understand it clearly?

TTP based Detection & Response

This is exactly the point where the importance of fighting the threat actor’s TTPs rather than static IOCs becomes obvious. Only thing required is that you understand well the correlation between each pain area of this Pyramid of Pain and the degree of effort that would be needed by the attacker to overcome the obstacles put by defenders.

By combining classical approaches with a more dynamic and intensive behavioral analysis of Advanced Persistent Threats, you can create a more comprehensive profile of threats which will allow you to minimize the risk of being compromised.

This also means that instead of relying on automatic security solutions the defender needs to first understand the Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures of its enemy and then start planting obstacles which could prevent from a highly-motivated attacker, such as an APT.

How Can This Be Achieved?

This could be achieved by:

Constantly studying attacks which are occurring in the wild,
analyzing their TTPs, building and training blue teams to understand the mindset of an Advanced Persistent Threat actor, engaging the blue team with a red team in order to keep up with sharp and decent skills for detecting intrusion attempts and implementing prevention mechanisms.

While there is no silver bullet to cyber-attacks, causing a significant amount of pain for an adversary the defender can drastically reduce the likelihood of a successful breach.

Therefore, it is important to fully understand the concept of TTPs as exposing TTP patterns will have the most impact on the adversary.

Evil Twin attack

Evil Twin Attack is attack is frequently carried upon wireless access points with malicious intentions. This attack happens when...