Sunday, July 19, 2015

User & Group Adminstration


1 : Show the details of all users
 user -D                          

2 : To add new user in system
useradd name

3 : To delete particuler user from the group
userdel -r name

4 : usermod command is used for modifying user

If user want to insert comment then
 usermod -c "comment"  user name

5: To set the password on particuler user command will be
passwd username

Group Administration

1 : To add new group named projectX command will be
groupadd projectX 

2 : To remove group named projectX command wil be
groupdel projectX

3 : To add user in a group
usermod -G

eg: To add username haktuts in a group name called projectX
usermod -G project X haktuts

4 : To add user in a multiple group
usermod -G

eg: To add username haktuts in a group name called projectX and project Y
usermod -G projectX,projectY haktuts

5 : How to provide admin right to specified user in a particuler group
gpasswd -A username groupname 

6 : To add user in a group
 gpasswd -a username groupname

7 : To remove group named projectX command wil be
 gpasswd -d username groupname 

8 :create new group called abcd          
newgrp abcd  
Note: User can be add in a group via usermod as well as gpasswd  command                                              

User and Group Databases file 

1 : To check the all set password  go to directory
cat /etc/passwd

2 : To see password which is set in encrypted form
cat /etc/shadow 

3 : To check detail of all the group
cat /etc/group

How to Read the passwd file located in etc directory?

username i.e name of user
x   stands for password of user which is masked
1000 is the user id
1001 is the group id
::   user  comment between collens
/home/username  Home directory of user

How to Read the shadow file located in etc directory?

username i.e name of user
xyzxyzxyz   stands for password of user which is masked or encrypted form
11111  stands for  No.of days since 1970
0  stands for minimum no of days to change the password
9999  stands for max no of days to change the password
7  stands for warning period
Note Password is encrypted through data encryption standard or MD5 algorithm

Types of user 

There are two types of user
1 System users
2 Normal users
id from 0-499 is reserved for system user and 500-60000 is for normal user.

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